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Overcooked Review: Three Tomatoes Make A Soup

Overcooked may just be our latest arcade-style, co-op game obsession.

Set in the Onion Kingdom, you and your pals are tasked to master cooking so that you can satiate the hunger of the giant meatball spaghetti monster. To do so, the Onion King sends you back in time, where you have to go through different challenges to hone your skills.

Yes, we did say Onion King and Giant Meatball Spaghetti Monster in the same paragraph.

Overcooked may be an arcade-style game, but it isn't for the faint hearted.

You'll face kitchens set in volcanoes, ships, outer space, and even between two moving trucks. And you'll need to figure out how you can chop the ingredients, cook them according to the recipe, serve it up on time, and wash the dishes so that you have sufficient plates. All without setting everything on fire.

With all of this, there can only be two possible outcomes when you play with friends: 1) you're all telepathic and would just own every level, or 2) you all start shouting at each other for tomatoes!, plates!, buns!, meat!, FIREPUTITOUT, and your friendship may be ruined forever.

But fret not, most of us start off shouting at each other for a couple of rounds, but at some point, things will click into place and everyone moves across the kitchen like clockwork. Gordon Ramsey would approve.

What we would recommend this for:

  • Parties

  • People who do not cook IRL but want to know what it feels like

  • Groups of friends who know they can stand the test of time

  • Fans of Kitchen Nightmares

Our Rating: Get it. It's all 5 seasons on Kitchen Nightmares, rolled into 1 game!



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